YWCA San Antonio’s Women Of Influence Luncheon
Our Member Engagement team joined the YWCA San Antonio‘s Women Of Influence Luncheon, honoring local women who are empowering underserved women through a broad range of programs and services. We were happy to learn about the YWCA’s new “live and learn” facility and to meet graduates of the medical careers program.
YMCA of Greater San Antonio’s Siclovia
The end of September brought us to the YMCA of Greater San Antonio‘s Síclovía, where we beat the heat while playing in the street by sharing refreshing paletas with hundreds of participants. We may have also walked, biked, skated, or danced a lap or two!
Morgan’s Inclusion Initiative, 6th Annual Golf Tournament
We joined the KFW Engineers & Surveying KFW Foundation on Friday, September 9th for the 6th Annual Golf Tournament to benefit Morgan’s Inclusion Initiative. Our team was happy to connect with countless community partners to support this organization’s important mission. For more information about how Morgan’s Inclusion Initiative helps improve the quality of life for individuals of all ages and all abilities through initiatives that produce fully-inclusive, Ultra-Accessible™ experiences, visit https://inclusionstartshere.com.
John Marshall HS 9/11 Memorial Tribute
Our team was honored to join the beautiful and uplifting 9/11 Memorial service presented on Friday, September 9th by faculty and students of the John Marshall High School – San Antonio Law and Medical Services Magnet School. This campus prepares students for careers in public service, focusing on judicial, medical, public administration, fire science and associated studies. After the ceremony, we presented students and leaders with an honorary check to represent GFCU’s sponsorship of uniforms for fire science students. We applaud these students for pursuing careers in community service.