May 2021 – #GFCUCares Events

Generations FCU Blood Drive
GFCU hosted a blood drive on Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at our Northwest and WW White branches to benefit the South Texas Blood and Tissue Center. Thank you to everyone who came out to donate and help save lives. We appreciate your support!
San Antonio Police Officers Association Blue Cares SAPOA Outreach Clay Shoot
The rainfall didn’t dampen spirits at the 2021 San Antonio Police Officers Association Blue Cares SAPOA Outreach Clay Shoot. GFCU was the proud title sponsor, joining local business partners to raise funds for annual community outreach programs like school supply drives, and the #BlueSanta holiday toy drive and family delivery event. #GFCUCares
SAPD Concha Deliveries
Our Member Engagement Team visited San Antonio Police Department substations across the city to deliver fresh-baked blue and white conchas from #PanaderiaJimenezCoffeeShop as part of National Police Week. Thank you to our police officers for keeping our community safe and strong year-round.
National Police Week 2021
May 9-15, 2021 was National Police Week, and we are proud to have worked closely with the San Antonio Police Department for decades. SAPD makes up one of our key founding groups. This week we celebrate them and their service to our community. Thank you, San Antonio Police Department!
International Firefighter Appreciation Day 2021
We celebrated International Firefighter Appreciation Day by delivering goodies from Cookie Cab Bakery to area fire stations! We’re proud of our roots with the San Antonio Fire Department, and we appreciate our firefighters’ heroic efforts in our community throughout the past year. Thank you for keeping us safe and strong!