Commercial Savings Accounts

A Smart and Secure Way to Manage Your Business Finances

Commercial Savings Accounts

We understand that different businesses have different financial priorities. GFCU offers commercial savings solutions that help grow your money – on your terms. Choose from one of our four commercial savings accounts to strengthen your business and increase your savings.

Types of Savings Accounts

Members use Commercial Savings accounts to meet short and long-term business goals.

Commercial Certificates

Looking for the highest available interest rate on funds that you won’t need to immediately withdraw? Invest your savings and watch it grow faster with an NCUA insured Commercial Certificate.

Commercial Share Savings

Set aside business funds to weather an unpredictable economy, business highs and lows or earmark it for tax purposes. Stability, security, and simplicity are possible with a Commercial Share Savings account.

Money Market Account

Higher Yields + Unlimited Withdrawals. Take your deposits to the next level with a GFCU Money Market Account.


Attract and retain top employees by adding a Simplified Employee Pension Individual Retirement Account (SEP IRA) to your employee benefits package. This tax-deferred retirement plan is an option for small business employees and self-employed individuals.

Call Us Today to Grow Your Business!